
Pigs at the Acropolis Museum!

In an effort to make the Acropolis Museum more enjoyable and welcoming to children, the museum’s management has come up with an interesting game: Children are challenged to discover 12 different representations (statues or others) of the Goddess Athena found throughout the museum. They are marked with bright red signs, all 12 of them, so that kids can spot them more easily.

As this is a pig-friendly blog (it is, trust me!) I’ve come up with a different version of the game! There are 3 depictions or statuettes of pigs among the artifacts presented in the museum! They serve as reminders of the fate and role of pigs throughout history: to serve and benefit humans and their needs! But I'm sure you don't need the pork philosophy! So, challenge your child (or the child in you) to find these ancient pigs! Happy rooting! Below are their descriptions (and “solutions” to the “game”):

-The first piggy is found on the ground floor, at the window case to the right as you enter. It is Exhibit No. 125 : “Wild boar figurine 1st cent. BC – 1st cent. AD)

-Pig no. 2 is also found on the ground floor, but this one on the left side. It is included in a fairly large mable “Dedication to Asclepius” and the sign reads as follows: “A young slave at the beginning of the procession leads a pig to sacrifice. – Mid. 4th. cent. BC.”

-Pig no. 3 is on the first floor: “Relief of the sacrifice of a pig” – “A family consisting of the parents and three children advances towards the Goddess Athena, offering a female pig for sacrifice. 480-490BC – Marble from Paros (Acr. 581)”. Only the snout and tail of this pig are preserved.

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